In Memoriam
Remembering Joan Brown Wettingfeld
January 31, 1921 – January 11, 2020
Joan Wettingfeld was a remarkable woman and especially cherished by those of us whose work centers on inspiring a love of history in children. Since the inception of the Education Program at the Bayside Historical Society, the primary supporter and advocate was Joan. Her guidance and enthusiasm for our efforts began almost twenty-five years ago. Her words of encouragement and her constant support helped to develop what was once a fledgling program into the huge success it is today. Many, many times I was graced with artifacts, newspaper clippings, articles of historical relevance and most importantly, interesting discussions of ways in which these could enhance our goals for the students of Queens. What a rich and wonderful legacy to leave for those who follow her!
Joan will be remembered for her pursuit in living a productive life. From this educator’s perspective, one would have to search the far reaches to find someone with her generous spirit, warmth, and desire to be instrumentally helpful in enriching the lives of our children. We will miss her but will continually be inspired by her example.
Denise Johnson
Former Director of Education Programs
Bayside Historical Society

Read: Bayside’s Wettingfeld honored with women’s history award,, March 25, 2004